Beginning Acrylic


Beginning Acrylic Painting
Wassily Kandinsky - Church Yard and Vicarage in Kochel

Join me as we recreate this vibrant snowy scene by Wassily Kandsinsky! Learn about mixing colors, paint application, value, and compostition. This class is suitable for all skill levels. No experience necessary. Supplies provided for in-studio students. I will send a link to a printable image for zoom students to transfer.

So that everyone can be comfortable in the knowledge that everyone else is vaccinated, all students must send me a photo of their vaccination card prior to class. (You only need to do this once) You can text it to 314-922-6576 or email it to [email protected]

Date: February 5
Time: 1-3pm
Instructor: Christy
Fee: $40
Location: My Studio 112 W. Market, Troy, IL

General Payment Form


Discover an Artist Survey

    Feel free to leave the name/email blank if you'd like your answers to be anonymous.

    Thank you for joining me for a Discover an Artist Series class! I'd love to get your feedback in order to improve the class experience in the future. Thanks!


    I thought the information about the artist was

    I felt like the length of the class was

    I feel like the class moved

    I felt comfortable with the health precautions taken.

    I am planning on attending another Discover an Artist class.

    I would like to attend Discover an Artist classes on
    (I'm soooo giggling right now!)

    I feel like I learned something!

    I was entertained!

    The supplies provided were

    Is there any way the experience could be improved?

    Are there any artists/techniques you would like to see addressed in a future Discover an Artist class?

    Zoom Participants
    I was able to see and hear clearly.

    The painting and palette were clearly visible to me.

    I felt included and assisted.

    The Zoom experience could be improved by:

    Other comments/questions/requests:

    Thank you so much for spending time helping me make these classes work better for all of us! See you in the studio!

    Covid Comfort

      Hi, everyone. Thank you so much for spending studio time with me today! It makes me so happy to have activity and creativity in the studio again. I just want to touch base with everyone to see how you all felt about the seating and the number of students. I want everyone to be comfortable and feel safe. And, you might feel it's easier to voice concerns anonymously. So, in the interest of making sure everyone is happy, please give me your feedback on the following:

      Spacing - my intent was to have 2 at each table on opposite sides and ends of the table. We ended up having 2 on the same side of all the tables.

      Number of students - we had six students today. I know we will have one more next week and another one the week after. I have a fourth table set up across from the front door that could seat two more students. Are you comfortable with 8 in the studio? Would you be comfortable with 10 if there were two set up in my easel area as well? Would that be too much for you? Depending on your collective feelings about spacing, I could always add a second class.

      Coffee - Who drinks it, how do you like it?

      I'll try to have cream, sugar, and honey.
      Is there anything else you like in your coffee? A certain sweetener or creamer?

      Do you have any other comments or concerns? Is there anything I can do to make your experience better?

      Thank you so much for taking a moment to let me know your thoughts. Stay creative, and stay safe!

      Class Survey


        Which of the following classes sound fun and interesting to you?

        Are there any other techniques you would like to see offered in the future? (optional)

        Which types of E-Classes would you be interested in?

        Would you be interested in seeing a gallery of student work on the website?

        Would you be interested, in addition to scheduled class time, in drop-in studio time? This would be zero instruction, solely a place to work for a few hours with other artists.

        Other comments/questions/requests:

        Thank you so much for spending time helping me make the studio work better for all of us! See you in the studio!


        • Join me for an hour+ lesson in creating your own simple, quirky, sassy, and amazing holiday cards. We will use ink and watercolor to follow in the footsteps of Andy Warhol. Learn about Andy and this fun technique and use it to make your own holiday greeting cards. You will have unlimited access this video, so you can refer to it whenever you need it! This video is appropriate for any skill level and even youngsters with tracing skills.
          Join me for an in depth class on creating fun and colorful wildflower watercolors. This video is appropriate for any skill level. Supplies needed include: watercolors, brush, paper towels, pencil, copy paper, watercolor paper, and a waterproof marker (Micron or Sharpie extra fine point) You will have unlimited access this video, so you can refer to it whenever you need to!

          Select a Payment Method

          No payment methods are available for the selected subscription plan.