Virtual Classes
Discover an Artist Series: Warhol-iday
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Suggested Supplies: Warhol-iday
Class Survey
Andy Warhol-iday Class Survey
Virtual Classes
In the midst of our current healthcare crisis, I have cancelled all of my classes. In the interest of helping my students continue their practice, as well as giving others the opportunity to learn and create during their extended solitude, I will be posting various types of online content here. I am new to this format, so bear with me. Hopefully I get over the digital learning curve quickly, and you get some inspiration, knowledge, and entertainment from what I post.
Studio Tour
Welcome to the Studio!
It has been so long since the studio has been full of people! We are all looking forward to a time when we can again meet and learn together in this great space. For those who haven't visited, I put together a mini tour of the space. Enjoy, and we'll see you in a workshop soon!
Suggested Supplies
Recommended Beginning Acrylic Supplies
This basic kit is perfect for beginning your journey in Acrylic painting. These colors have been chosen to give you the most flexiblity while keeping costs down. While most artist quality paint brands are suitable for use, please avoid using bottles of craft paint. The quality is very poor, the amount of pigment is extremely low, the viscosity is wrong for canvas painting, and the color names don't relate to artist paints, making it hard to learn color mixing. That said, the most important thing is to get your brush dirty! So, if you are unable to get the basic paint colors, we can use what you do have.
Supplemental Acrylic Colors
As you continue to paint, you will find your awareness of colors is enhanced and your ability to mix colors improves. As that happens, you will find yourself wanting to use a cool and a warm in each hue. At that point, you can introduce the warm blue of Ultramarine and the cool red of Cadmium. Dioxazine Purple is a fun and electric purple, and the earth pigments are always a useful addition to your mixing palette.
Recommended Watercolor Supplies
These watercolor selections are appropriate for any of the watercolor classes I offer.
Recommended Supplies for Warhol and Whimsical Classes
Choose any quality watercolor set (see above) for the Warhol-iday class or the Whimsical Watercolor Wildflower Workshop. The Whimsical class requires the micron pen, the Warhol class requires the nib pen or the bamboo skewers, and the waterproof ink. Additional Supplies: pencil, scotch tape, ruler, water container, paper towels.
Miscellaneous Items
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Semi-Private Discussion Group
Semi-Private Discussion GroupÂ
Join me and a small group of students for an intensive discussion session to critique current work and discuss successes and ways to improve. These conversations are always a great learning experience full of information. Groups will be limited to no more than 5 students. Meetings will be through Zoom. Ideally, have a couple of pieces ready to discuss.
$10 per session. Registration required.